Goal Nabber collects personal data relating to Users. Goal Nabber is the party responsible regarding the processing of that data.

The data which Goal Nabber collects is data such as name, address, postal code, place of residence, position, telephone number, fax number, gender and content. Goal Nabber uses the data on behalf of the execution of agreements with Account Holders and on behalf of the execution of Goal Nabber’s service’s. The data is also used to maintain contacts with people who are registered with Goal Nabber (including Account Holders) and to inform said persons by post or e-mail of new developments relating to Goal Nabber or the Services or relating to (new) products or services which Goal Nabber provides. The data is also used and processed to improve the Service provided to Users and new products. Account Holders hereby give their explicit permission to Goal Nabber to use data and content for the above puposes.

Users whose data is to be processed are entitled to request access to this data and, if the data is incorrect or incomplete, are entitled to have the data corrected or deleted. Users can change their personal data in their Goal Nabber Accounts.