Latest release for greater efficiency

The latest changes in Goal Nabber aim to give you greater efficiency. They will improve your teamwork and projects. We continue applying our strategy. It is based on three pillars. One is intuitive graphical user interfaces to make it easy for everyone. Second is helpful built-in intelligence so that you can focus on the essential. Lastly, time saving features to allow you to choose how to use it.

A new design is brighter and focused

A new design is brighter and focused on the work at hand. The brighter design is less distracting and more positive. Pages automatically scroll to the work area. The navigation menu remains accessible by scrolling upwards. Your work area is immediately the centre of attention.

Project indicators

Project indicators are part of the Project view. This gives you the greatest chance to succeed. They evaluated the most common reasons of failure. Visual feedback and tips guide you. Without knowing, the preventive actions provide greater efficiency. Your team avoid the most common pitfalls. Your projects are more successful.

Visuals to avoid project pitfalls

Improving the integration of huddles

Improving the integration of huddles is essential. Your continuous improvement is dependent on it. Each analysis, decision, milestone is a steppingstone. It is an input to something else. The new release contributes in two ways. Firstly, they are easier to spot with the  icon. And, the suggestions are based on the context. The most relevant ones are up front. You save time by having your result in the next step right away.

Including participants

Including participants is simplified. Of course, you can still invite any of your existing contacts. Wither they are in your contact list or not, you only need to have their email. If they are new, they will receive an invitation on your behalf to sign in and join. That way you can include all you the people useful to reaching the team’s goal.

Updates to huddle features

E ach release has updates to huddle features. This is important for greater effectiveness. Examples include the Voice of the Customer, Action Plan, Mind Map and more.   The User Interface for the Voice of the Customer is redesigned. We may dedicate a future article to highlight the analysis of your customer needs. The UI and forecasting models have been updated for Workflows and Action Plans. The forecasting is better. You can take actions today to be more successful tomorrow.

Mindmap updated

Bug fixes and minor improvements

Bug fixes and minor improvements are also included but not listed here.

To help you have greater efficiency with Goal Nabber, we are most appreciative of the feedback that you give us. Please continue to send us your likes and dislikes to customer support. We regularly give subscription rewards to show our appreciation.

If you’re not using Goal nabber yet, you can begin right now. There is no commitment other then to sign up to create your personal account.

While we recommend trying, our Frequently Asked Questions is available with a lot of information.